Rakan....Seputar aceh besar yang begitu mempesona potensi alamnya. kali ini
sebuah rahasia keindahan dari balik pelabuhan malahayati, Krueng Raya, Aceh
Hello Folks ... Along Aceh Besar Regency which is so enchanting its natural potential. It is a secret of beauty from behind the port of Malahayati, Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar.
Hello Folks ... Along Aceh Besar Regency which is so enchanting its natural potential. It is a secret of beauty from behind the port of Malahayati, Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar.
Hanya perlu menempuh jarakk sekitar 1 Kilometer dari pelabuhan, anda
akan di arahkan oleh beberapa orang untuk memasuki kawasan wisata Tebing Lamreh
ini rakan.
Only need to travel a distance of about 1 Kilometer from the port, you will be directed by several people to enter the Lamreh Cliff area.
Only need to travel a distance of about 1 Kilometer from the port, you will be directed by several people to enter the Lamreh Cliff area.
memang sedikit terjal dan mendaki namun rakan tidak perlu khawatir karna untuk
berada di tebing ini kita bisa membawa kendaraan kok namun pastikan anda punya
kendaraan ya :D. Anda akan
melihat papan besar yang bertuliskan "Welcome To Wisata Pantai Puncak
The road is a bit steep and climbing but it does not need to worry because to be on this cliff we can take the vehicle, but make sure you have a vehicle: D. You will see a large board that reads "Welcome To Puncak Tebing Beach Tourism".
Untuk masuk
ke daerah ini anda hanya perlu merogoh kocek Rp.10.000 saja. keindahan yang
dipancarkan oleh tebing ini bikin mata seakan tak ingin berkedip rakan. bahkan
kita juga bisa melihat pulau sabang yang terlihat dengan jelas melalui tebing
To enter this area you only need to spend Rp.10,000. the beauty emitted by this cliff makes the eyes seem not to want to blink a crack. even we can also see the island of Sabang that is clearly visible through this cliff.
To enter this area you only need to spend Rp.10,000. the beauty emitted by this cliff makes the eyes seem not to want to blink a crack. even we can also see the island of Sabang that is clearly visible through this cliff.
Captured by Acehtribunnews.com |
Selain itu,
Tebing Lamreh juga masih minim fasilitas. Bahkan untuk fasilitas berupa kamar
kecil pun belum tersedia. Jadi jangan berharap ada kamar kecil, sekedar
berganti pakaian, atau sekedar buang air kecil, karena disini belum tersedia
fasilitas itu.
Furthermore, the Lamreh Cliff is also still lacking in facilities. Even facilities such as toilets ore changing room are not yet available. So do not expect it, just change clothes, or just urinate, because there is no facility here.
Furthermore, the Lamreh Cliff is also still lacking in facilities. Even facilities such as toilets ore changing room are not yet available. So do not expect it, just change clothes, or just urinate, because there is no facility here.
Turun dari
bukit ini, Anda bisa bercengkrama atau berjingkrak-jingkrak dilembutnya pasir
putih dan merasakan deburan ombak menyentuh mata kaki.
Down from this hill, you can chat or prance soften the white sand and feel the waves crashing against your ankles.
Down from this hill, you can chat or prance soften the white sand and feel the waves crashing against your ankles.
Jika di pagi
buta Anda bisa menikmati matahari terbit, dan matahari tenggelam di sore hari
dengan sangat jelas. Tak jarang juga banyak kapal-kapal dan perahu-perahu
nelayan yang lewat. Semua ini seakan menambah keindahan Tebing Lamreh dan
membuat Anda takjub dan puas dengan apa yang disajikan disini.
Captured by DisbudparAceh |
Bukit Lamreh
mulai terkenal sejak akhir tahun 2014. Saat itu Putri Indonesia 2005 Nadine
Chandrawinata yang membawakan program petualangan My Trip My Adventure yang
menjelajahi Tebing Lamreh ini.
If in the morning you can enjoy the sunrise, and the sunset in the afternoon clearly. Most of the time many ships and fishing boats passing by. All of this seem to add to the beauty of the Lamreh Cliff and make you amazed and satisfied with what is presented here. Lamreh Cliff has become famous since the end of 2014. At that time Putri Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata hosted the My Trip My Adventure adventure program that explored this Lamreh Cliff.
If in the morning you can enjoy the sunrise, and the sunset in the afternoon clearly. Most of the time many ships and fishing boats passing by. All of this seem to add to the beauty of the Lamreh Cliff and make you amazed and satisfied with what is presented here. Lamreh Cliff has become famous since the end of 2014. At that time Putri Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata hosted the My Trip My Adventure adventure program that explored this Lamreh Cliff.
Hingga saat
ini banyak wisatawan lokal maupun luar daerah yang berwisata kemari. Banyaknya
foto-foto yang diunggah ke sosial media dengan spot-spot yang indah, membuat
Bukit Lamreh ini semakin terkenal.
Until now many local and out-of-town tourists are traveling here. The number of photos uploaded to social media with beautiful spots makes the Lamreh CLiff more famous.
Until now many local and out-of-town tourists are traveling here. The number of photos uploaded to social media with beautiful spots makes the Lamreh CLiff more famous.
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