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Hello Aceh Besar. Kalo masalah wisata memang gada habisnya nih. apalagi wisata alamnya. Aceh besar memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk sektor wisata. bukan hanya pada alam, bahkan adat dan makanan pun aceh besar punya banyak macamnya.
Hello Aceh Besar. If the tourism case isnot completely exhausted moreover Natural tourism. Aceh Besar has enormous potential for the tourism sector. not only in nature, but also the customs even food of Aceh besar is various with its kind.
Hello Aceh Besar. If the tourism case isnot completely exhausted moreover Natural tourism. Aceh Besar has enormous potential for the tourism sector. not only in nature, but also the customs even food of Aceh besar is various with its kind.
Nah kali ini kita ngomong tentang alam aja dulu ya. Tidak jauh dari pusat kota jantho, bukit jalin memancarkan pesonanya di jagat aceh ini. keunikan dari bukit ini adalah rumput ilalangnya yang terlentang menghijau indah bak permadani raksasa rakan. dikomplitkan lagi dengan panorama sungai yang mengitari bukit jalin ini.
Well this time we talked about nature first. Not far from the center of the city of Jantho, Bukit Jalin exudes its charm in the universe of Aceh. the uniqueness of this hill is the beautiful green grass that stretches like a giant rug. it was compounded again with a panoramic view of the river that circled the hill.
Well this time we talked about nature first. Not far from the center of the city of Jantho, Bukit Jalin exudes its charm in the universe of Aceh. the uniqueness of this hill is the beautiful green grass that stretches like a giant rug. it was compounded again with a panoramic view of the river that circled the hill.
Untuk mencapai pada puncak bukit ini tidaklah sulit karena sepanjang pendakian menuju puncak sudah terdapat jalan setapak berbentuk tangga kecil yang di buat secara alami dai tanah pernukitan ini.
Reaching the top of this hill is not difficult because along the ascent to the summit there is already a small stairway-shaped path that is naturally made from this mountainous land.
Reaching the top of this hill is not difficult because along the ascent to the summit there is already a small stairway-shaped path that is naturally made from this mountainous land.
Rakan juga bisa membawa makanan jika ingin menyantapnya di puncak bukit jalin ini namun rakan harus ingat untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan yang merupakan bagian dari sapta pesona demi kenyamanan dan keindahan alam di aceh ini rakan.
You can also bring food if you want to eat it on the top of this hill but you have to remember to keep the cleanliness which is part of Sapta pesona for the comfort and natural beauty of this city.
You can also bring food if you want to eat it on the top of this hill but you have to remember to keep the cleanliness which is part of Sapta pesona for the comfort and natural beauty of this city.
Setelah bermandikan keringat karena lelahnya pendakian, rakan bisa menikmati wahana sungai yang sangat jernih yang terdapat di lembah bukit jalin ini.
After being bathed in sweat due to the fatigue of climbing, you can enjoy the blue clear river rides found in this hill valley.
Bukit ini juga memiliki nilai historis-nya rakan yakni bukit ini pernah dijadikan sebagai tempat latihan perang pasukan elite kombatan GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) dikala konflik melanda Aceh dulu.
This hill also has its historical value, namely that this hill was once used as a training ground for elite combatants GAM (Free Aceh Movement) when the conflict struck Aceh.
Bukit ini juga memiliki nilai historis-nya rakan yakni bukit ini pernah dijadikan sebagai tempat latihan perang pasukan elite kombatan GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) dikala konflik melanda Aceh dulu.
This hill also has its historical value, namely that this hill was once used as a training ground for elite combatants GAM (Free Aceh Movement) when the conflict struck Aceh.
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